Therapeutic Education Services

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Therapeutic education services at Hillside are offered at Residential Campus Schools, Day Treatment Centers and Day School programs. All programs are approved by the New York State Education Department and all teachers and teaching assistants are certified by the State of New York. The services of a psychiatrist and nurse are also available at Hillside’s Residential and Day Treatment locations.

About this Program

Guided by each student’s Individual Education Program (IEP), daily instruction is designed to maximize their ability to learn academically and socially. Working collaboratively with families and youth, the goal is to help students to improve their academic achievement and emotional coping skills so that they can return to their local school district. Special education services take place in small classroom settings to best meet each student’s identified needs. Classrooms may be self-contained or departmentalized, by subject area. All coursework meets New York State standards. In addition to English, social studies, science and mathematics, physical education and the arts make up the core instructional program. Related services are also made available for students identified to receive them by the Committee on Special Education (CSE). The education staff collaborates with the student’s home school district throughout placement and in preparation for transition.

These programs provide an extended school year schedule which includes six weeks of summer school.

Day Treatment at Hillside – Halpern and Crestwood Campuses
A child’s home school district’s Committee on Special Education is responsible for referring eligible youth to Day Treatment; parents may not apply independently.

The Crestwood Campus Day Treatment Therapeutic Education Center provides education services to youth in grades Pre-K-8 and is located at 2075 Scottsville Road. The Halpern Day Treatment Therapeutic Education Center provides education services to youth in grades 6-12 and is located at 695 Bay Road in Webster. Students benefit from an individualized program in a NYSED-approved educational program, engage in group and individual therapy, and participate in recreation activities, all of which are tailored to meet their specific needs. To ensure that the academic and social needs are effectively addressed, several of Hillside’s Day Treatment classroom teachers have developed expertise in the effective engagement and education of children on the autism spectrum. Day

Treatment at Hillside operates 215 days a year, including a six week extended school year program. All transportation is arranged through the children’s home school district.

Residential Campus Schools at Hillside
Students who receive residential treatment services are evaluated to determine the most appropriate academic plan and school environment. Students are provided a full complement of New York State-approved courses, following New York State Common Core Standards. Related services such as speech and occupational therapy are offered as are opportunities to develop social, behavioral and leadership skills. School and residential treatment staff members work closely together to ensure continuity of programming so that the identified special needs and interests of students are met. For example, there are specialized services at Snell Farm Campus, and services for the developmentally disabled at the Monroe Campus School.

Day School at Hillside
Day School is designed for Special Education classified students who require a more restrictive learning environment. Day School, unlike Day Treatment, is designed for students who need a lower student-to-teacher ratio and/or a smaller school setting, but who do not require chronic clinical and or medical support. Students commute to school from home each day. Their instruction is determined by their IEP and the teachers use different approaches in order to promote student learning. Please note there are a limited number of openings on select residential campuses. Referrals must be made by the Committee on Special Education at the students’ home school district. There is no cost to families.


Youth ages 5 to 21 years

Open to residents of: counties served depend on which campus and program.


Crestwood Day Treatment
2075 Scottsville Road
Rochester, NY 14623

Halpern Day Treatment Center
695 Bay Road
Webster, NY 14580

Snell Farm Campus
7320 Snell Hill Road
Bath, NY 14810

Finger Lakes Campus
7432 County House Road
Auburn NY 13021

Monroe Campus
1183 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620

Contact Information

For details about this or any Hillside program, contact us 24 hours a day at 585-256-7500 or

This Program Supported by New York State Education Department.

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