Hillside Strong: Strengthening Families
Everyone benefits from stronger families. A healthy, stable family environment is the foundation of any community’s wellbeing—and by providing stability in the life of a child, that family supports the wellbeing of future generations, as well.
Every day, Hillside’s services provide children and families with the tools they need to build the successful futures they deserve. And our commitment to this goal goes even further, with advanced efforts that amplify the effectiveness of our programs. Explore some of these efforts below.

Hillside Institute for Family Connections®
A unique-to-Hillside initiative that coordinates the efforts of programs, staff and community partners to support family permanency in all its forms
Family Empowerment Network
Networking and educational events for families, caregivers, staff and leadership

Family-Driven Care
A fundamental element of our Philosophy of Service, and the north star that guides Hillside’s work