A partnership between Hillside and the University of Rochester Medical Center led to dozens of Hillside direct-care staff receiving their first COVID-19 vaccinations today.

An ongoing URMC initiative has led the medical center to bring Mobile Vaccine Clinics to designated provider sites, enabling eligible individuals to receive their vaccinations. Hillside’s first Mobile Vaccine Clinic was held today on the Monroe Campus in Rochester.

Most Hillside employees work in direct-care roles, and are eligible for the early phases of the vaccine rollout. Approximately 25 percent of eligible Hillside staff have received their COVID-19 vaccinations in various community settings. Many more staff have indicated interest or made appointments to receive their vaccinations.

“We appreciate the partnership of URMC in bringing this vaccination event to our staff on campus,” said Maria Cristalli, Hillside President and CEO. “A vaccinated community is necessary for us to eventually move out of the shadow of this pandemic.”

More vaccine events are being explored for other Hillside sites in the weeks to come.

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