For more than 50 years, Hillside’s mission has held a special place in the hearts of Gamma Phi Beta, a Rochester-area service sorority. Gamma Phi Beta members have made Hillside a local focus of their philanthropy, and that support takes many forms—including their annual tradition of producing “welcome bags” for youth at our Monroe and Crestwood residential campuses.

Each bag contains body, dental and hair-care products, as well as personal journaling supplies; and each is hand-decorated with a message of reinforcement or encouragement. A bag is given to each youth when they arrive on a campus for residential treatment.

“The dedication of the staff at Hillside to the children and their sincere appreciation of our Gamma Phi Beta alumnae have bonded us as a team,” said Rochester alumnae chapter co-president Sue Bloch. “Working with Hillside is a collaborative, fun effort to build a better future for the children and their families.”

All of Hillside thanks the women of Gamma Phi Beta for their long history of support. This is a wonderful example of the community embracing our mission!

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