Creating and maintaining a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community is an ongoing journey – and any journey, no matter how long, is best served by a road map to help us understand where we’ve been and where we’re headed.

One valuable navigation tool for Hillside’s DE&I journey is our Living Action Plan, a strategic resource that’s now in development. The Living Action Plan will identify key milestones that support our growth as a DE&I-focused agency; once completed, it will ensure that day-to-day activities are in alignment with our long-term goals in this critical work.

The first step in developing the Living Action Plan is to listen—to our staff, to our community, and especially to the youth, adults and families we serve. A series of meetings and discussions are now taking place and will continue into 2024, as we gather insights from throughout our Hillside family. That input will inform our priorities and our paths to a more DE&I-focused future.

We’ll share more about the Hillside DE&I Living Action Plan in the months to come. Thank you for your interest in our work!

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