Dec 21, 2023 | Generosity, News, Success Story
Hillside’s annual Special Santa program has concluded another successful season, with nearly 7,500 toys and gifts collected for more than 3,200 youth and families served by Hillside. Following the active phase of community donations that closed December 11, Hillside...
Nov 9, 2023 | Generosity, Success Story
Eighty-year-old Suzanne Robinson can trace her love of helping others back to her youth. As a young girl, she learned from her grandfather about sharing hen’s eggs from the family chicken coop with others who were less fortunate. Robinson has learned many more lessons...
Nov 1, 2023 | Good Work, Success Story
Each year, we profile the winner of the Hillside Chair’s Award, an honor earned by an employee whose above-and-beyond dedication and impact exemplify the principles of Hillside’s mission of service. Amy Patterson is a familiar face at many Hillside offices, campuses...
Oct 30, 2023 | Front Page, Innovation, News
An Open House event on Thursday, October 26, officially launched Hillside’s new Family Opportunity Center at the Hillside offices located 215 Wyoming Street, Syracuse 13204. The Family Opportunity Center (FOC) is a site-based, drop-in program where enrolled families...
Oct 13, 2023 | Good Work, HWSC, Success Story
The following article originally appeared on the Syracuse City School District (SCSD) website, sharing the story of a remarkable trip taken by Syracuse and Binghamton Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection students to the Virginia facilities of Micron Technology. We...
Oct 13, 2023 | Good Work, Innovation, Inside Hillside, News
Hillside teams were among the organizations earning honors in the 2023 Greater Rochester Quality Council (GRQC) Performance Excellence Awards. The annual ceremony was held Wednesday, October 11, at Locust Hill Country Club in Rochester. The agency was lauded with two...