Hillside Youth Create ‘Black Lives Matter’ Art Exhibit

Inspired by the nationwide unrest concerning systemic racism and violence in America, dozens of youth receiving residential treatment services on Hillside’s Monroe Campus in Rochester came together to create a Black Lives Matter art exhibit that was presented to youth...

Nurses Make a Difference — Today and Every Day

An open letter to Hillside’s nurses from Ann Cott, Hillside’s Executive Director of Health Care Services: It’s National Nurses Day and the start of National Nurses Month! The theme this year is You Make a Difference. The global COVID-19 pandemic makes...

Hillside Encourages Participation in 2020 Census

The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing additional complications to the lives of already vulnerable families coping with the challenges of trauma, poverty and neglect. To many of these families, keeping up with the mail at this time might be the last thing on their...

Community Service Takes New Forms During COVID-19

How can community service requirements be completed when the community itself is shut down? In the wake of COVID-19, Hillside’s Mary Jo Acomb and her team have found a way to help young people solve that problem while participating in the Livingston...

HW-SC: Inspiring Excellence

At 9:00pm on a recent Wednesday, Shekena Dallis answered a phone call from a student she mentors as a Youth Advocate (YA) in the Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection program. A call so late on a school night was unusual, and Dallis worried it might be bad news—but the...

The Art of Caring: Connecting with Comics

Hillside Community-Based Treatment Provider Nicole Bielowicz struck upon a novel way to help one very creative youth see the COVID-19 pandemic through a different lens. After sharing his stress and anxiety about the crisis, Nicole asked her youth if he’d tried...
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