Foster Care, Kinship & Adoption Services
No matter their circumstance, every child deserves a family. Hillside is a regional leader in adoption and therapeutic foster care services that connect youth in need with the stability and family structure that can make an essential difference in their lives. We collaborate closely with a constantly evolving network of families, helping them navigate complex certification processes and offering comprehensive training and round-the-clock support. We are committed to ensuring that youth and families have the best opportunities for successful placements and happier, healthier lives.
Hillside Strong: Become a Foster Parent
Hundreds of youth in our region need a loving environment, stability and a consistent routine to help them overcome challenges and succeed in life. As a Hillside foster parent, you can be part of a team of adults that makes a life-changing difference for a child.
This program provides a therapeutic family environment for youth on the autism spectrum whose exceptional needs make it difficult for them to live in their parents’ home or at a lower level of foster care.
Hillside’s Adoption Search program allows an adopted person 18 years or older to obtain non-identifying information pertaining to a completed adoption, based on Hillside’s adoption records dating back nearly 100 years.
Hillside provides adoption-related information, referral, education, counseling and support to birth parents, children, youth, and prospective adoptive parents, before and after adoption finalization.
This Hillside program meets the needs of parents who are raising children with emotional disturbances and/or behavioral challenges.
For youth experiencing emotional crises, this program provides brief (up to 7 days) out-of-home stays in local host homes while stabilization and reunification with a primary caregiver is reestablished.
This pre- thru post-adoptive service, run by adoptive parents who are adoption professionals, helps families in all stages of their adoption process. Case Managers provide a wide range of supports to participating families.
This program strengthens the reunification of families following the placement of a child in an out-of-home relative or foster care setting.
Hillside’s Family Finding model helps develop permanent lifetime networks for young people in the child welfare, mental health, developmental disabilities and juvenile justice systems. The single factor most closely associated with positive outcomes for youth is meaningful, lifelong connections with family and natural supports. As part of this effort, Hillside is pleased to offer Family Finding training, consultation and services for public and private agencies.
This Hillside program serves young people whose who have had multiple disruptions from care, and whose trauma history might prevent them from successfully integrating into a foster home setting.
This program leverages the coordinated work of a two-person Hillside team of a Care Coordinator and a Family Peer Advocate, to support the needs of youth in crisis who are placed in Monroe County foster and kinship homes. Referrals are made by the Monroe County Department of Human Services.
For too many youth placed in foster care, the socio-emotional challenges of day-to-day living can make it difficult to plan for a successful future as an independent adult. Hillside’s Monroe County Transitional Services program provides focused supports to help eligible participants make meaningful progress toward their long-term goals.
This program provides informed support for foster families, utilizing the Family Group Decision Making model that giving families a strong voice in decisions regarding the children in their care.
This Hillside program partners with adoptive and/or legal guardianship families to provide post-adoption and related services that support permanency.
Hillside’s Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) services provide a safe and therapeutic family environment for youth who are placed in foster care through the family court system and require a high level of support. The goal of TFC is to reunify youth with their families or, in the case of children who are free for adoption, to connect them with an adoptive family. Hillside’s TFC staff also train and certify kinship caregivers as foster parents to provide supports to the youth and their biological family and improve permanency outcomes.
This signature program of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption helps find permanent homes for children in foster care.
Hillside’s 24-hour phone resource team responds to questions, crisis counseling, referrals or concerns from families and funders.